Dr.-Ing. Nicole Vorhauer-Huget

Dr.-Ing. Nicole Vorhauer-Huget
Gremien und Vertretungen (FVST)
Fakultätsrat FVST
University Education
2002 – 2007
Dipl.-Ing. Process Engineering, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany
Research Degree
Since September 2018
Postdoc with the aim of habilitation, Head of Group Transport in Porous Media
September 2018
Dr.-Ing. (Cotutelle de Thèse), Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France and Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany
Doctoral thesis: Experiment based development of a non-isothermal pore network model with secondary capillary invasion https://doi.org/10.25673/13461
Teaching Activities
Since 2007
Lectures, seminars, laboratory work (German and English) in
- Thermal Process Engineering
- Bioseparation
- Product Quality
- Drying Technology
- Digital Engineering of Process Engineering Applications
- Senate
- Climate commission
- Commission for dealing with scientific misconduct
- Committee to regulate the procedure in cases of violence, threats and sexual harassment by students
Organization of the Ladies Night for Women Engineering Sciences
Ladies Night for Women Engineering Sciences more
- Pore network modeling of freeze-drying
- Modelling of heat and mass transfer in porous transport layers
- Microwave heating
- Pore scale modeling of mass transfer in biofilms
- Heat Transfer in packed beds
Maria-Weber-Grant of the Hans Böckler Foundation
Max Buchner research grant (Max-Buchner-Forschungsstiftung, DECHEMA) for research project: Experimental and numerical study of the hydraulic connectivity of liquid films during drying of porous networks.
Women in Drying Research Award of the University Liége, Belgium, Eurodrying, June 19-21
Presentation Award of the German professional group on food process engineering (Process-Net, Dechema, VDI-GVC) Annual meeting of the German professional group on food process engineering, Magdeburg, Germany, March 16-18
Project and exhibition 'MACHT MINT!' Travelling exhibition of the portraits of 11 selected researchers at the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg